Carbon Inclusion of Chinese Residents from the Perspective of “Double Carbon”:Connotation, Framework System and Policy Suggestions
中文关键词:  碳普惠  碳账户  碳信用  绿色金融科技  绿色支付  数字人民币
English Keywords:carbon inclusive  carbon accounts  carbon credit  green financial technology  green payment  e-CNY (
Fund Project:
高尚 上海金融与发展实验室,上海 200011 
摘要点击次数: 571
全文下载次数: 155
English Summary:
      The “double carbon” goal is a major strategic decision made by China based on the internal requirements of achieving green, low-carbon and high-quality development. It plays an important role in accelerating the formation of a new development pattern with the domestic big cycle as the main body and the domestic and international double cycles promoting each other, and promoting the comprehensive green transformation of China's social production mode, lifestyle and consumption mode. Focusing on the current hot research issue under the “double carbon” background, this paper analyzes the concept, connotation, role and significance of carbon inclusion for residents, puts forward the definitions of green payment and carbon inclusion for residents, makes an in-depth study on the framework system of carbon inclusion for residents, and designs a framework system of “one body and two wings” for carbon inclusion for residents. Finally, this paper gives further policy recommendations on five aspects of carbon inclusive development of Chinese residents.
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