Review and Reconstruction of Nuclear Safety Regulatory System Under the Principle of Effective Independence
中文关键词:  有效独立性原则  核安全监督管理体制  利益冲突审查机制
English Keywords:the principle of effective independence  nuclear safety regulatory system  interest conflict review mechanism (
Fund Project:
李奇伟 湖南师范大学 法学院,湖南 长沙 410081 
摘要点击次数: 486
全文下载次数: 135
English Summary:
      The independence of nuclear safety supervision should be effective independence. It not only requires the effective separation of regulatory agencies from other institutions or entities, but also requires the regulatory agencies to independently perform the key functions of administrative licensing, review, supervision and law enforcement, and ensure the effective independence of regulatory agencies in safety decision-making. As far as China is concerned, the nuclear safety regulatory system should be examined and reconstructed based on the principle of effective independence. Therefore, some measures should be taken including establishing a relatively independent national nuclear safety administration, integrating core functions of nuclear safety supervision, forming an inter-departmental regulatory coordination mechanism, improving the technical support and human resource management system, and building a transparent and traceable regulatory decision-making process and interest conflict review mechanism to promote the improvement of nuclear safety regulatory system.
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