The Embodiment of Confucianism in the Water Margin
中文关键词:  创作目的  故事设定  人物塑造  仁政学说  君子
English Keywords:creation purpose  story setting  character creation  benevolence theory  gentleman (
Fund Project:
崔雪茹 西南财经大学 人文学院,四川 成都611130 
尹倩 西南财经大学 人文学院,四川 成都611130 
摘要点击次数: 383
全文下载次数: 170
English Summary:
      The Water Margin is deeply influenced by the Confucian culture, and is embodied by the story setting, character image and creation aim, which has distinct characteristics of the times and cultural value. The setting of the story in Water Margin embodies the benevolent government and the people-oriented thought of Confucianism. The heroes of Liangshan County, led by Song Jiang, almost all conform to the ideal Confucian image of a gentleman, with Benevolence and righteousness, filial piety, loyalty, good faith and other qualities. The image of the feudal ruling class represented by Gao Qiu was the opposite of that of the heroes of Liangshan County, who were wicked, cunning, immoral, hypocritical and corrupt, in sharp contrast to that of the heroes of Liangshan County. Through the allusions to reality in Water Margin, the author Shi Naian expressed his dissatisfaction with the social environment and his yearning for and pursuit of the Confucian benevolence theory and the ideal gentleman.
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