The Historical Evolution of the Duan and Zhi Initials of Dongyin System in SanYun ShengHui
中文关键词:  《三韵声汇》  端组  知组  东音  腭化  母语干扰
English Keywords:“ SanYun ShengHui”  Duan group  Zhi group  Dongyin  velarization  mother tongue interference (
Fund Project:
罗健京 广东外语外贸大学 英语语言文化学院,广东 广州 510420 
皮华林 广东外语外贸大学 英语语言文化学院,广东 广州 510420 
摘要点击次数: 348
全文下载次数: 192
      三韵声汇》东音系统声母共14个,谚文标注为、、、、、、ロ、、、、、、、,与现代韩语的松音系统吻合。其中端组声母中的一、四等字总体上符合汉语语音的发展规律,读舌头音(t)、(t)。但是部分一、四等字和二、三等字的知组表现出与汉语端组字不同的发展趋势,存在与精组开、合口字合流的现象,读作齿头音(ts)、(ts)。其原因在于端组字受到韩语腭化音的影响,而知组受到了韩语中/ts、/ts 、/s的干扰。
English Summary:
      There are 14 Dongyin initials in the “ Sanyun Shenghui”. They are marked with 、、、、、、ロ、、、、、、、. These initials are consistent with the modern Korean sound system. Parts of Duan's characters initials are generally in line with the development of Chinese pronunciation, and still read the pronunciation (t) and (t). But others are not, and they showed that they would be combined with the Jing group, and pronounced as ts and ts. The reason for this is that the Duan words are affected by the Korean velarization, and the reason for the change of the Zhi words is due to the interference in the Korean initials of /ts /ts /s.
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