The Inheritance and Innovation of Investigation and Research Methods of the CPC
中文关键词:  中国共产党  调查研究  大数据  调查统计
English Keywords:the Communist Party of China  investigation and research  big data  survey statistics (
Fund Project:
周批改 湘潭大学 公共管理学院,湖南 湘潭 411105 
摘要点击次数: 426
全文下载次数: 177
English Summary:
      In the practice of leading the Chinese revolution and construction, the leaders of the Communist Party of China have adhered to the investigation and research methods characterized by problem-oriented, direct investigation and mass line, which are the fundamental methods to understand the Chinese society. Western survey and statistics are useful techniques for understanding Chinese society, which should be studied and used for reference. Internet survey and big data are powerful tools to understand Chinese society and should be applied scientifically. In the new era, we must unwaveringly adhere to the CPC's direct investigation and research method based on practice and the masses, and at the same time draw lessons from western investigation and statistics technology, comprehensively use modern information communication tools, and constantly innovate the methods and technologies of investigation and research, so as to form a system of investigation and research methods that meet the needs of the development of the times.
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