程静.自然、技术与物种的可持续性 ——论《加拉帕戈斯群岛》的生态忧思[J].,2021,22(6):110-116
自然、技术与物种的可持续性 ——论《加拉帕戈斯群岛》的生态忧思
Nature, Technologies and the Sustainability of Species
中文关键词:  生态模式  技术崇拜  人与动物的跨物种联系  人类未来
English Keywords:ecological modes  technology worship  inter-species connection between man and animals  human future (
Fund Project:
程静 南华大学 语言文学学院,湖南 衡阳 421001 
摘要点击次数: 729
全文下载次数: 218
English Summary:
      In his apocalyptic novel Galapagos, Kurt Vonnegut subtly merges both real and fictional landscapes of ecology, and represents the contemporary eco-modes under western capitalist regime with the aid of black humor and humanist view of being. This paper explores the multiple causes of ecological worsening of western world in the last half of 20th century from the aspects of animals' abuse and merciless killing by mankind, the capital dominance and people's technology worship, as well as the global destruction of life caused by many factors. It estimates Vonnegut's ecological anxiety in a dynamically holistic way, and points out that all the inter-species connection between man and animals, the techno-scientific influence on environment and the sustainability of ecological environment serve as key factors to the future of mankind.
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