On the Ascertainment of Foreign Law under the Priority of Substantive Justice
中文关键词:  冲突正义  实质正义  外国法查明
English Keywords:conflict justice  substantive justice  foreign law ascertainment (
Fund Project:
葛淼 安徽财经大学 法学院,安徽 蚌埠 233030 
摘要点击次数: 766
全文下载次数: 261
English Summary:
      Conflict justice and substantive justice are the traditional propositions of international law theory. Conflict justice solves the problem of choosing the most suitable foreign law. However, how to find and apply foreign law cannot be solved from the framework and logic of conflict justice. The passivity of domestic judges in identifying foreign laws is a dilemma in the identification of foreign laws. The negative basis for domestic judges to directly apply domestic law mainly comes from the neglect of party autonomy. But the problem is that party autonomy is an aspect of judicial justice, and a fair judgment conclusion is final. Priority of substantive justice is becoming the trend of private international law theory. Globalization has promoted the formation of a common theory of international civil and commercial law. In this sense, domestic judges choose to apply domestic law due to statute of limitations and cost considerations, as long as the final judgment conclusion is consistent. For judicial justice, it should not be blamed. However, the identification of foreign law is still the most important task of private international law. Therefore, it may be more appropriate to adopt a regulatory paradigm that mainly applies foreign law at the discretion of domestic judges and supplements the application of domestic law with legislative restrictions.
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