Study on the Mixed Reserve of Physical and Production Capacity of Emergency Medical Materials
中文关键词:  应急医药物资储备  混合储备  非线性成本  最优储备方案
English Keywords:emergency medical supplies reserve  mixed reserve  non-linear cost  optimal reserve plan (
Fund Project:
陈建华 南华大学 经济管理与法学学院,湖南 衡阳 421001 
刘仁勇 南华大学 经济管理与法学学院,湖南 衡阳 421001 
摘要点击次数: 664
全文下载次数: 246
English Summary:
      The emergency medical supplies storage mode that combines physical objects and production capacity is an effective way to improve emergency support capabilities and optimize resource allocation. In order to reduce the cost of emergency medical supplies storage, the government needs to make reasonable decisions on the allocation of reserves in the mixed storage mode. Based on the study of non-linear cost and emergency material reserve, this paper constructs the emergency medical material reserve model under the mixed reserve mode of physical and production capacity through cost analysis of the two reserve methods, and gives the optimal reserve plan under different conditions. A calculation example is given for verification, and the influence of factors such as equipment depreciation rate on the optimal reserve plan and the minimum reserve cost is analyzed. Studies have shown that the mixed reserve mode can meet the emergency guarantee capability while minimizing the cost of emergency reserve by reasonably allocating the number of reserves,and provide specific guidance for the government's emergency medical material reserve work.
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