卢文忠.论近代中国社会的文化矛盾 ——基于马克思主义的理论分析[J].,2021,22(6):26-33
论近代中国社会的文化矛盾 ——基于马克思主义的理论分析
Study on Cultural Contradictions in Modern Chinese Society
中文关键词:  文化矛盾  传统文化  西方文化  文化批判  新民主主义文化
English Keywords:cultural contradiction  traditional culture  western culture  cultural criticism  New Democratic Culture (
Fund Project:
卢文忠 广东警官学院 马克思主义学院,广东 广州 510230 
摘要点击次数: 632
全文下载次数: 256
English Summary:
      The implementation of western capitalist civilization, the expansion of western colonialism, is the most direct social root of cultural contradiction in modern China. The economic and political backwardness of modern China is the most basic social root of the cultural contradiction in modern China. The main cultural contradiction in modern China is the contradiction between the local traditional culture and the modern culture from western countries. This contradiction was determined by the principal contradiction in the semi-colonial and semi-feudal society of China, which embodied the variation of cultural patterns, lack of cultural resources, mixture of cultural connotation, conflict of cultural psychology, deviations from cultural orientation. In dealing with modern cultural contradictions, there was cultural criticism of conservatism, criticism of reformism, cultural criticism of radicalism, criticism of capitalist culture. Only the New Democratic Culture with a revolutionary stand can be a realistic way to overcome the cultural contradiction in modern China and realize the innovation of Chinese culture.
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