Exposure of Colonial Violence or Continuation of Colonialism:An Ethical Refection on Performance of Violence in Pig Girl
中文关键词:  《猪女郎》  原住民女性  殖民暴力  哀悼与铭记
English Keywords:Pig Girl  Aboriginal women  colonial violence  mourn and memorize (
Fund Project:
李长利 北京科技大学 外国语学院,北京 100191 
摘要点击次数: 529
全文下载次数: 219
English Summary:
      Canadian playwright Colleen Murphy's Pig Girl, prize-winning works of 2016 Governor General's Award,is based on a real serial killings. The play has been highly praised by the fact that women from indigenous communities in Canada are at high risk of violence and the indifference of police force; however, the play arouses strong opposition and boycott from indigenous communities. There are two focus of controversy:the first is whether sexual abuse and physical violence can be presented directly, and the second is whether the play's title is an undisguised insult to indigenous people. For the contrasting reaction towards the play, this paper attempt to analyze the controversy through a comparison with other indigenous artists who always emphasise collective mourning and healing when dealing with similar themes. The paper conclude that extreme racial violence is not a forbidden zone for artistic creation, yet when it concerns with such sensitive themes as rape taken as a consistent colonial strategy and the trauma has far from been cured, any artist should not protect their freedom to create at the cost of victims' feeling. Only in this way, can a piece of work dealing with violence contribute to the implementation of justice without getting involved in ethical argument, and eventually become an ideal intervention of society.
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