Postmodern Ecological Ethical Awareness in Lord of the Flies
中文关键词:  《蝇王》  生态整体  后现代生态伦理
English Keywords:Lord of the Flies  ecological holism  postmodern ecological ethic (
Fund Project:
姜峰 中国人民大学 外国语学院,北京 100872 
摘要点击次数: 658
全文下载次数: 253
English Summary:
      In Lord of the Flies, William Golding integrates the contemporary life of human beings into the community with shared future between human beings and nature, reveals the neglect of ecological morality caused by modern western value system with modernity as its core, which demonstrates a kind of postmodern ecological ethical awareness transcending modernity. The novel embodies the ecological holism of non-binary opposition between man and nature, criticizes the anthropocentrism and technical rationality that destroy the ecological integrity, and points out that modern science and technology have led to more serious ecological disaster due to the lack of ecological ethical dimension. At the same time, the ecological morality that man respects nature and man coexists harmonically with nature runs through the novel.The forward-looking ecological ethical awareness contained in the novel is especially thought-provoking in today’s world with serious ecological problems and lack of ecological morality.
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