The Canonization Process of the Opera White Haired Girl Under the Influence of Literary and Artistic Policies
中文关键词:  文艺政策  《白毛女》  经典  文艺与政治
English Keywords:literature and art policy  White Haired Girl  classic  literature art and politics (
Fund Project:
王俊虎 延安大学 文学院,陕西 延安 716000 
廖慧 延安大学 文学院,陕西 延安 716000 
摘要点击次数: 495
全文下载次数: 244
English Summary:
      From Yan'an period to new China, the change of the historical status and content version of the opera White Haired Girl is actually inseparable from the influence of the adjustment of the literary and artistic policy of the Communist Party of China. Under the influence of the speech, the opera White Haired Girl appeared as a classic to interpret the party's literary and artistic policy, and then experienced the dramatic fate change from the construction of classics to the deconstruction of classics under the change of literary and artistic policy in the seventeen-year-period. Until the cultural revolution, due to the implementation of the guiding ideology of class struggle, the opera White Haired Girl was completely speechless. Since the new era, through the new adjustment of the literary and artistic policy of the Communist Party of China, it has achieved a comprehensive rectification in the ideological field, making the opera White Haired Girl reappear on the stage and see you again. The adjustment of the party's literary and artistic policies in different periods is mainly reflected in the changes of the specific style, text content and performance of the White Haired Girl. From these changes, it can clarify the changes in the relationship between literature and politics in Yan'an period, the seventeen-year-period, the cultural revolution period and the new period. At the same time, under the observation of political culture, it will also have positive enlightenment significance to the current situation of literature and art.
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