Re-discussion on Procuratorial Organs' Appropriate Expansion of Discretion of Non-Prosecution in the Context of Pleading Guilty and Admitting Punishment
中文关键词:  认罪认罚  扩大酌定不起诉  实体规范  审批程序简化  起诉必要性审查
English Keywords:plead guilty and punished  expand the application of discretionary non-prosecution  substantive norms  simplified approval procedures  review of the necessity of prosecution (
Fund Project:
郭沙沙 中国社会科学院大学 法学院,北京 100732 
郝世坤 中国社会科学院大学 法学院,北京 100732 
摘要点击次数: 628
全文下载次数: 258
English Summary:
      In the context of the reform of guilty admission and punishment, the concepts of “less arrests and cautions”, “non-prosecution without prosecution”, and the phenomenon of mitigating penalties for misdemeanors provide an opportunity to expand the application of discretionary non-prosecution. However, the substantive application norms of the discretionary non-prosecution system are vague, and the leading role of acknowledgment of guilt and punishment is not clearly confirmed; and the application procedures of the system are relatively cumbersome. In confessing guilt and punishing cases, China has not established a review mechanism for the necessity of prosecution to filter out improper prosecutions, resulting in a low application rate of discretionary non-prosecution. Therefore, under the concept of “appropriately expanding the application of discretionary non-prosecution”, the substantive provisions of the system should be clarified, and the dominant position of confession and punishment should be established; internal examination and approval procedures should be simplified to give case handlers the independence of applying discretionary non-prosecution. The establishment of a review mechanism for the necessity of prosecution in cases of confession and punishment will force the procuratorial organ to pay attention to the necessity of prosecution. At the same time, it is necessary to activate the procuratorial suggestion system to reduce the application of discretionary non-prosecution concerns.
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