The Value Orientation of Wang Fu-zhi's View of Justice and Interests
中文关键词:  王夫之  义利观  价值取向
English Keywords:Wang Fu-zhi  view of justice and interests  value orientation (
Fund Project:
王学锋 衡阳师范学院 马克思主义学院, 湖南 衡阳 421008 
摘要点击次数: 548
全文下载次数: 224
English Summary:
      The issue of justice and interests is the relationship between morality and interest, which is also the basic issue of ethics. Different answers to this issue reflect the basic value orientation of ethical thinkers. It includes two aspects:one is the first problem of moral and material interests, the other is the problem of who has the priority of social overall interests and personal interests. On this issue, Wang Fuzhi did not generally deny deontology, but on the premise of affirming that justice is more important than interests, he tried to make a deep analysis of justice, that is, affirming the legitimacy of everyone's pursuit of his reasonable private interests, and denouncing the illusory private interests of the autocratic monarch in essence in the “public interests” advocated by the Taoists of Song and Ming Dynasties. At the same time, he also paid great attention to distinguishing reasonable “self-interest” and self-interest at the expense of others, and opposed the extreme egoism of “fighting for each other” and “achieving disastrous results”, thus making up for the deficiency of utilitarian ethics in the late Ming Dynasty which started from “people must have their own interests”. Wang Fuzhi's view of justice and interests pays more attention to the interpretation and transformation of traditional deontology.
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