Discrimination on the Relation of Need and Desire:an Investigation of Philosophical Criticism
中文关键词:  生命生活  主体性  需要  欲望  哲学批判
English Keywords:life  subjectivity  need  desire  philosophical criticism (
Fund Project:
杜早华 南华大学 马克思主义学院,湖南 衡阳 421000 
摘要点击次数: 607
全文下载次数: 258
English Summary:
      See from the necessity structure of People’s life expansion, desire and need have the same source, but are also different from each other essentially. Need is generated from the necessity structure of People’s life expansion, and its being satisfied is an affirmation and respect to People’s life subjectivity. Desire is the alienated form of need, it is generated from the wrong understanding and unreasonable depressing to People’s need, and the endless expanding of desire is a negating and derogating to People’s life subjectivity. This critical discrimination above is also an internal criticism by philosophical way to desire, and this kind of criticism always respects everyone’s value subject status, and always focuses on everyone’s need inside his life, so it is utterly different from the external moral criticism which judges and accuses something arbitrarily only by some subjective value settings.
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