On the Innovative Spirit of “Two Bombs and One Satellite”
中文关键词:  两弹一星  自主创新  协同创新  实践创新
English Keywords:two bombs and one satellite  independent innovation  collaborative innovation  practice innovation (
Fund Project:
代艳丽 南华大学 马克思主义学院,湖南 衡阳 421001 
李颖稚 南华大学 马克思主义学院,湖南 衡阳 421001 
摘要点击次数: 678
全文下载次数: 245
English Summary:
      The innovative spirit of “two bombs and one satellite” is rich in contents, in which independent innovation is the core. “Two bombs and one satellite” career sets a foundation for China to become a country with significant influence in the world and opens up the road of independent innovation and innovative country construction. Collaborative innovation is the wing of “two bombs and one satellite” innovative spirit, which are characterized by complete system, clear objectives, firm belief, focus on technology, stress on democracy, hard struggle, unity and friendship. Practice innovation is the basement of innovative spirit of “two bombs and one satellite”. Practice progress is the process of raising new issues, persevering in problem orientation and constantly thinking and exploring new ways. Carrying forward the innovative spirit of “two bombs and one satellite” and adhering to independent innovation, collaborative innovation and practical innovation are the inevitable choice for realizing Made in China 2025 and realizing Chinese dream of great national renewal in the new era.
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