钟新果.从弃儒入佛到弃佛归儒 ——屈大均的独特遗民人生[J].,2021,22(4):110-113
从弃儒入佛到弃佛归儒 ——屈大均的独特遗民人生
From “Discard Confucianism to Buddhism” to “Discard Buddhism to Confucianism”
中文关键词:  屈大均    佛教  遗民
English Keywords:Qu Dajun  confucianism  buddhism  diehards (
Fund Project:
钟新果 南华大学 语言文学学院,湖南 衡阳 421001 
摘要点击次数: 617
全文下载次数: 303
English Summary:
      Qu Dajun was the diehard of Ming Dynasty, who was living in the turbulent society between the Ming Dynasty and Qing Dynasty. He discarded Confucianism to Buddhism, and then discarded Buddhism to Confucianism. He became one of the representatives of diehards who resist Buddhism, interpreted a unique literati’ life in troubled times. At first he was forced to be a monk because his farther instructed him not to work for Qing government and Manzu’s cutting hairs order. Later, he discarded Buddhism to Confucianism because he had to look after his mother and regarded Confucianism superior to Buddhism. He criticized “loyalty Buddhism”, further proposed and adopted some radical reform to resist Buddhism. Interestingly, before his death, Qu Dajun discarded Buddhism to Confucianism, while people didn’t allow him into Confucianism after his death, which constituted a strange diehard’s life at particular period. In it, we can find the bumpy and miserable fate of the diehards.
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