Analysis of the Impact of Confucian Fusion on Journey to the West
中文关键词:  儒释道  融合  《西游记》  石头文化
English Keywords:Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism  integration  Journey to the West  stone culture (
Fund Project:
崔雪茹 西南财经大学 人文学院,四川 成都611130 
罗莎 西南财经大学 人文学院,四川 成都611130 
摘要点击次数: 826
全文下载次数: 346
English Summary:
      Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism have learned from each other and are integrated, which have had an important impact on the ideological, cultural and social life of China in various periods. During the Ming and Qing periods, they formed a tripod complexion, and its integration and development gradually matured and developed deeply. Its influence is found in literary and artistic works. The fusion of Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism has a typical and profound reflection in “The Journey to the West”, one of the representatives of Ming and Qing novels. “The Journey to the West”, as one of China's four masterpieces, is not only the story of the four teachers and students of the West, along the way to make a strange story, but also the integration of the three culture hybrids, with the opening of the stone culture to tell the interpretation of the three links. At the same time, as the representative of Ming and Qing novels, it represents three with specific characters, reflecting the inevitability of the fusion of Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism.
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