王福海.孟子的政权合法性思想新解读 ——兼对有关孟子政权合法性思想两种理解的评析[J].,2021,22(4):34-42
孟子的政权合法性思想新解读 ——兼对有关孟子政权合法性思想两种理解的评析
Aü New Investigation on Mencius' Theory on Legitimacy
中文关键词:  孟子  合法性  主权在民  价值判断  实然判断
English Keywords:Mencius  legitimacy  popular sovereignty  value judgement  factual judgement (
Fund Project:
王福海 山东大学 儒学高等研究院,山东 济南 250100 
摘要点击次数: 567
全文下载次数: 258
English Summary:
      For a long time, there have been controversies about whether Mencius advocated democracy. Supporters believe that Mencius advocated the theory of “popular sovereignty”, while opponents mostly believe that Mencius advocated the theory of “sovereign power granted by God” as Zhou Gong did. In fact, the two theories are both about the legitimacy of political power, and both taking the value judgment of “who should control the power” as their core. The arguments provided by both parties in the dispute do not contain such a judgment, but consist of fact judgments. Therefore, it does not reflect Mencius' thoughts on legitimacy, and the proofs of the two parties are not valid. There are errors in its interpretation of key documents. Mencius actually advocated that the basis of the legitimacy of the political power lies in the moral achievement of the ruler, and the transcendent “Tian of Ethics” (not the Personality God) is the ultimate basis,and public opinion cannot be directly used as the basis of legitimacy. This view of Mencius has important practical significance for us today to build people's democracy and break the Western countries' monopoly on democratic values.
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