Effective Ways of Implementation of National Condition Education towards Hong Kong and Macao College Students in Mainland Chinese Universities
中文关键词:  国情教育  重要他人  社会认同  显性教育  隐性教育
English Keywords:national conditional education  significant others  social identity  dominant education  implicit educaiton (
Fund Project:
庄瑜 广岛大学 国际协力研究科,日本 广岛市739-8511 
刘以榕 广岛大学 国际协力研究科,日本 广岛市739-8511 
摘要点击次数: 769
全文下载次数: 382
English Summary:
      Today there are more than 20 thousand Hong Kong and Macau students studying in Mainland China. Developing efficient strategies for teaching them national conditions is one of the pressing tasks for overseas Chinese affairs. This paper conducted a semi-structure interview of 30 Hong Kong and Macau students in order to examine efficiency of current national condition education from a micro-level and dynamic perspective. The research indicates that efficient ways of teaching national condition include as follows:for teaching technique, we should insist on combination of explicit education and implicit education, playing an important role of interactive significant others; for teaching content, we need to emphasize historical and cultural education, revolution and the Communist Party's history education, constitution and basic law education at the same time; for teaching methods, we must make sure our ways of expression keep up with time and be closed to students' daily life, our teaching approach must be diversified and enriched.
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