Realistic Transformation and Reconstruction of Lingjiatan Jade Patterns
中文关键词:  凌家滩遗址  玉器纹样  现实转换  创意设计  路径构设
English Keywords:Lingjiatan site  jade patterns  reality transformation  creative design  path construction
Fund Project:
朱铁军 安徽工程大学 艺术学院,安徽 芜湖 241000 
摘要点击次数: 642
全文下载次数: 238
English Summary:
      Lingjiatan prehistoric settlement, located in Chaohu Lake Basin from between 5800 and 5300 B.C., is one of the peaks of Chinese prehistoric culture. The unearthed jade wares are different in the aspects of production idea, shape design, process technology, artistic representation and cultural connotation. It shows and interprets the unique image expression and connotation complex of the jade patterns of Lingjiatan site, and carries out practical transformation and redesign application. It is of great significance for the systematic research and inheritance of Lingjiatan jade ware culture. It is of great help to the design practice and cultural innovation of the integration of ancient and modern. It is of great value in tracing the 5000 year history of Chinese civilization. Therefore, on the basis of deeply mining and refining the artistic and cultural characteristics of Lingjiatan site jade ware patterns, this paper constructs four realistic transformation and reappearance paths, namely, the resonance and integration of ideas, the interpretation and reconstruction of artistic factors, remote sensing and echo of spiritual consciousness, and the collision and dialogue of aesthetic pursuit, and from the contemporary cultural and creative products, landscape decorations, signs, posters and other four aspects of the corresponding design, to analyze the practical application of Lingjiatan jade patterns with detailed and distinctive design cases, in order to effectively promote its cross-border integration and new development with contemporary cultural creativity, tourism, media and other industries.
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