Design-led Triple Bottom Line
中文关键词:  为人设计  设计管理  设计引领责任  三重底线
English Keywords:design for humans  design management  design-led responsibility  triple bottom line
Fund Project:
刘冬华 安徽财经大学 工商管理学院,安徽 蚌埠 233030 
杨蕾 安徽财经大学 工商管理学院,安徽 蚌埠 233030 
摘要点击次数: 608
全文下载次数: 287
English Summary:
      China is undergoing a historical transformation from “Giving Priority to Efficiency” to “Due Consideration to Fairness”. Design activities can't continue to be satisfied with the status quo of subordinate embellishment and visual prettification. The role of design should be placed to leading, rather than subordination. Based on the triple bottom-line theory, this paper analyzes from three aspects of economy, society and environment,providing positive energy for promoting China's economic transformation and upgrading, social harmony and fairness, and ecological environment optimization. In economy, it is necessary for enterprises to improve their innovative ability of independent design and complete innovative drive through design; in society, planners should give full consideration to the needs of all users and facilitate more people to get involved in design, so as to re-establish the harmonious relationship among people and between people and society; in environment, it must not be taken that the quality of people's life is improved at the cost of excessive consumption of environment and resources. Design should be for the purpose of leading to the change of a way of understanding, behavior and even thinking, and shaping a concept of happiness of sustainable development. To complete this transformation, we need to empower design from three aspects, e.g. improving China's relevant legal system, positively guiding the consumer market, and enhancing the public's participation in public design.
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