Ethical Issues in Medical Testing and Their Governance
中文关键词:  医学检验  伦理问题  治理
English Keywords:laboratory medicine  ethical issues  governance
Fund Project:
邹海贵 南华大学 马克思主义学院,湖南 衡阳421001 
刘沛琛 南华大学 马克思主义学院,湖南 衡阳421001 
摘要点击次数: 606
全文下载次数: 291
English Summary:
      Medical laboratory ethics refers to the general term of the ethical relations, moral consciousness and moral norms in the practice of medical laboratory. It is an important branch of medical ethics and an important symbol of the progress of medical laboratory. The rapid development of modern medical laboratory technology is a “double-edged sword”. On the one hand, it greatly improves the benefits of patients, and on the other hand, it brings a series of ethical and moral problems that cannot be ignored. At present, in the process of medical examination, due to the improper examination behavior, including the examination means, the examination procedure and the application of the examination results, the rights of patients have been violated, and due to the weakening of the professional spirit of the examination personnel, a series of ethical and moral problems have been generated, such as the indifference of moral emotion and the lack of medical humanistic care. The treatment of medical laboratory ethics must first adhere to the principles of autonomy, no harm and benefit, confidentiality, justice and other related medical laboratory ethics. Secondly, it is necessary to establish a good medical laboratory ethics system, including:establishing medical laboratory ethics office, improving relevant laws and regulations, creating a good cultural atmosphere of medical laboratory ethics, and comprehensively enhancing the professional ethics of medical laboratory personnel.
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