Historical Changes of People's Jury System Since the Founding of the Party
中文关键词:  人民陪审制  人民陪审员  职权配置  变迁
English Keywords:people's jury system  people's jurors  authority configuration  changes
Fund Project:
蒋凤鸣 长沙学院 法学院,湖南 长沙 410000 
摘要点击次数: 685
全文下载次数: 261
English Summary:
      People's jury system is an important manifestation of people's democratic dictatorship in the field of justice, and the authority configuration of jurors is directly related to the implementation effect of people's jury system. Since the founding of the Party, the authority configuration of jurors has gone through three stages:the “same authority” mode, the “separation authority” mode and “dual mode”. However, the change of jurors' authority is closely related to the changes of the historical background and environment. With the judicial reform entering the deep water zone, the current number of court cases is increasing and the nature of cases is becoming more and more complex. The “same authority” mode has been unable to give full play to the advantages of jurors. Although the “separation authority” mode tried during the pilot reform period emphasizes the advantages of jurors, its matching degree with the existing litigation system in China is unsatisfactory. The “dual mode” established by the Jury Act is a compromise choice based on current judicial practice, and it is also the most appropriate choice. In order to better implement the “dual mode”, we must return to Chinese logic, follow judicial traditions, base on judicial practice, and correctly understand the value of the “dual mode”, so that jurors and judges can learn from each other and make the jury system a bridge connecting justice and public opinion.
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