杨金砖,夏昕.乡野的心事 ——论刘忠华诗歌创作中的底层观照[J].,2021,22(2):119-123
乡野的心事 ——论刘忠华诗歌创作中的底层观照
Thoughts of the Countryside
中文关键词:  潇湘文学  乡野述事  底层行吟  诗歌研究
English Keywords:Xiaoxiang literature  countryside narration  bottom chanting  poetry research (
Fund Project:
杨金砖 湖南科技学院 科技处,湖南 永州 425199 
夏昕 湖南科技学院 科技处,湖南 永州 425199 
摘要点击次数: 618
全文下载次数: 252
English Summary:
      Liu Zhonghua is a young and middle-aged writer working in Xiaoxiang literary world, whose poetry creation began in the late 1980s, and has been growing in spurts with his experience enriched, especially in recent years. A series of poems and excellent chapters have been published in various important journals, and poetry collections, such as The Light of Time and The Book of One’s Landscape Poetry have been published. The biggest feature of the poems written by Liu Zhonghua is his bottom view and spiritual writing, full of “praise for the people”, “portrait for the village” and “infatuation for art”.
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