Thick Translation and Restoration of Alien Culture in the English Version of Huo Zhe Translated by Michael Berry
中文关键词:  《活着》  异质文化还原  语境建构  深度翻译
English Keywords:The English version Huo Zhe  the restoration of alien culture  context construction  thick translation (
Fund Project:
李志坚 南华大学 语言文学学院,湖南 衡阳 421001 
王文涛 南华大学 语言文学学院,湖南 衡阳 421001 
摘要点击次数: 665
全文下载次数: 320
English Summary:
      As the novel Huozhe by Yu Hua gaining popularity overseas, the translator, Michael Berry also arouses the attention of researchers at home and abroad. Thick translation emphasizes the importance of creating the historical and cultural context for interpreting and restoring source culture. Therefore, it has explanatory power in analyzing the translator’s stategies of translating our unique culture. The alien culture in source language is classified into four layers:material culture, system culture, behavior culture and mentality culture. Also, from the perspective of contexts both within and outside the text, the strategies of how the translator restores the source culture in English version are analyzed and the translating errors resulted from improper construction of cultural context are illustrated.Hopfully it can shed light on the translation of Chinese literature for other translators.
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