Research on the Measurement of Hunan Province's High-quality Development Level
中文关键词:  经济高质量发展  五大发展理念  改进的层次分析法(IAHP)
English Keywords:high-quality economic development  five development concepts  improved analytic hierarchy process (
Fund Project:
陈南岳 南华大学 经济管理与法学学院,湖南 衡阳 421001 
冯佳辉 南华大学 经济管理与法学学院,湖南 衡阳 421001 
摘要点击次数: 771
全文下载次数: 315
English Summary:
      This paper first discusses the theoretical research foundation of the connotation of high-quality development and the construction of high-quality development indicators; then, based on the five development concepts, the improved analytic hierarchy process is used to construct China's high-quality economic development evaluation index system composed of 37 indicators in five aspects of innovation, coordinated development, green development, open development, and shared development; finally, Hunan Province is taken as an example to analyze the development status of Hunan Province's five development dimension indicators and the overall indicators of high-quality economic development from 2000 to 2018. The study found that the level of innovation and development in Hunan Province from 2000 to 2018 showed a basic trend of rapid growth as a whole; the degree of coordinated development was low, and there was no obvious growth trend, but it was characterized by a continuous downturn and greater downward pressure; the level of green development has generally shown a significant “ladder-shaped” trend; the level of open development has been fluctuating up and down; the level of shared development has shown an overall growth trend; the comprehensive evaluation index of high-quality development in Hunan Province has shown a significant growth trend. During the fourteenth five-year period, Hunan Province should stabilize its innovative development trend, strengthen coordinated development, attach importance to green development prospects, increase the level of open development, and maintain a steady growth in shared development, so that to raise the high-quality development level rapidly and achieve high-quality development goals as soon as possible.
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