Venture Capital Participation, CEO Characteristics and IPO Performance Deterioration
中文关键词:  IPO业绩变脸  风险投资参与程度  CEO特征  调节作用
English Keywords:IPO performance change  degree of venture capital participation  CEO characteristics  regulating effect (
Fund Project:
陈国民 南华大学 经济管理与法学学院,湖南 衡阳 421001 
赵丽丽 南华大学 经济管理与法学学院,湖南 衡阳 421001 
摘要点击次数: 730
全文下载次数: 300
English Summary:
      IPO performance deterioration has been proved to be widespread in China. Based on the sample of enterprises with venture capital participation listed on GEM during 2014-2016, this paper studies the impact of venture capital participation on IPO performance change, and explores the moderating effect of CEO characteristics on the relationship between the two. The results show that the deeper the degree of venture capital participation—the companies with joint venture capital and the higher the proportion of venture capital, the smaller the change of IPO performance. CEO characteristics have a significant moderating effect on the relationship between VC shareholding ratio and IPO performance change, which is manifested as the age and educational background of CEO weaken the improving effect of VC shareholding ratio on IPO performance change, and the financial background of CEO can strengthen the improving effect of VC shareholding ratio on IPO performance change. This study provides experience and reference for improving IPO performance changing phenomenon in China, standardizing the development of venture capital and selecting and appointing appropriate CEOs.
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