Practice Analysis of Mao Zedong's Important Statement Concerning Caring for People's Lives in the Central Soviet Area
中文关键词:  毛泽东  中央苏区  关心群众生活  合作社  以人民为中心
English Keywords:Mao Zedong  the central soviet area  caring for the people's lives  cooperative  people-centered (
Fund Project:
严九发 江西理工大学 马克思主义学院,江西 赣州 341000 
摘要点击次数: 624
全文下载次数: 267
English Summary:
      Based on the actual situation of the limited resources of the Central Soviet Area, Mao Zedong, proceeding from the consolidation of the new Soviet regime and the improvement of the living standards of the masses, proposed that we must care for the People's lives.Mao Zedong takes the organization of the masses as the central thread, takes the establishment of cooperatives with a collective economic nature as the institutional prerequisite, and implements the important expositions of caring about the lives of the masses through the establishment of a new financial system, the development of anti-exploitation business struggles and the establishment of professional technical schools. At the moment, it is necessary to fully absorb the essence of Mao Zedong's important exposition about caring for the lives of the people, adhere to the people-centered development concept, enhance the people's sense of gain, happiness and security, and give play to the people's labor creativity.
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