Law Anxiety and Regime Health:Shakespeare's Problem Play Measure for Measure in Humoral Theory
中文关键词:  《一报还一报》  体液理论  法律  政体  道德
English Keywords:Measure for Measure  humoral theory  law  regime  morality (
Fund Project:
陶久胜 宁波大学 外国语学院,浙江 宁波 315211 
郭梦娜 宁波大学 外国语学院,浙江 宁波 315211 
摘要点击次数: 851
全文下载次数: 330
English Summary:
      According to the contemporary humoral theory and the analogy between microcosm and microcosm, it’s not difficult to reveal the hidden disease discourse in Shakespeare's problem play “Measure for Measure”. Excessive corporeal desires prevail in Vienna, and ultimately infects the Deputy Angelo, which leads to the contagious body politics of the whole city-state because of the imbalanced humoral. In essence, the law symbolizes the stability of the city-state and the health of the regime. The one responsible for performing law needs to consider personal morality as a part of the judicial responsibility, but Angelo, the law enforcer, ignores the lack of his own morality so that the law cease to exist except in name. Therefore, the Duke must take a series of measures and strategies to restore Vienna to the track of rule of law and morality. The disease of Vienna in the play suggests the anxiety of sexual morality in early modern England. Shakespeare participates in political discussion through the struggle and integration of morality and law, expressing his anxiety about King James I’s reign.
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