Narrative of Resistance of the African Medical Culture in Of One Blood
中文关键词:  反抗叙事  西方死亡医学  催眠术  宗教医学
English Keywords:narrative of resistance  western death medicine  hypnotism  religious medicine (
Fund Project:
蒋天平 南华大学 语言文学学院,湖南 衡阳 421001 
罗曙 南华大学 语言文学学院,湖南 衡阳 421001 
摘要点击次数: 755
全文下载次数: 362
English Summary:
      Of One Blood is a novel by African American writer Pauline Elizabeth Hopkins. It tells the story of the emotional entanglement between three brothers and sisters who don't know their backgrounds, and finally finds out that their black identity returns to Africa. This article borrows from Arthur W Frank proposed the concept of “medical colonization”, constructed a medical colonial narrative, and subverted the absolute authority of Western medicine with African native medicine, and provided a way to promote native medicine and establish a black Pyramid civilization.This article deconstructs Western medicine from the perspective of colonial medicine and reconstructs the local medical discourse, realizing the author's construction of the local medical discourse.
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