Exploration of the Incentive Mechanism for R&D Backbones of Nuclear Technology Application Enterprise
中文关键词:  激励机制  研发骨干  核技术应用企业
English Keywords:incentive mechanism  backbone research and development personnel  nuclear technology application-oriented company (
Fund Project:
李雄飞 中国核工业集团有限公司 党群工作部,北京 100822 
摘要点击次数: 573
全文下载次数: 287
English Summary:
      Applications of nuclear technology generally refer to applications of X-ray techniques and apparatus in health care, agriculture and industry, geological survey, research and education. Incentives to backbone research and development personnel in nuclear technology application-oriented companies in China have shown such problems as lacked driving force of innovation, unreasonable compensation incentive mechanism, and defective organizational culture. Therefore, corresponding incentive measures in line with industrial features and special requirements of incentives to backbone research and development personnel in such companies should be taken, including the core competence-based research of incentives, building of an applicable wage system based on ability, emphasis on career development incentives and duty incentives, establishment of organizational culture that vitalizes innovation, etc.
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