Filial Piety Culture Personality of Modern Chinese Novelists
中文关键词:  孝文化  小说作家  情孝冲突  非孝意识
English Keywords:filial piety culture  novelist  filial piety contradiction  non-filial consciousness (
Fund Project:
胡用琼 南华大学 语言文学学院,湖南 衡阳 421001 
摘要点击次数: 672
全文下载次数: 274
English Summary:
      Filial piety culture is an important part of Chinese traditional culture. In the anti-traditional movement of the May 4th movement, filial piety culture became the first critical object, among which there was radical negation. Under the influence of the western thoughts such as science and democracy advocated by the new culture movement, Chinese modern novelists can't get rid of the traditional culture. There are often two kinds of cultural conflicts between the spiritual level and the actual behavior, which affect the reevaluation of the traditional culture, and gradually form different cultural personalities. The traditional filial piety contains not only filial piety of kinship, but also filial piety of maintaining feudal autocracy. The complexity of culture and the subjectivity of cultural choice also affect the cultural personality of modern Chinese novelists.
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