Study on the Effect of Agricultural Insurance and Credit Linkage on Supporting Poverty Alleviation
中文关键词:  农业保险  农业信贷  农业保险与信贷联动  扶贫
English Keywords:agricultural insurance  agricultural credit  agricultural insurance and credit linkage  poverty alleviation (
Fund Project:
郑军 安徽财经大学 金融学院,安徽 蚌埠 233000 
汤震宇 安徽财经大学 金融学院,安徽 蚌埠 233000 
摘要点击次数: 713
全文下载次数: 311
      文章通过建立以农业信贷为核心的农户收入理论函数模型,从理论上验证了农业信贷对农民收入区间的扩大效应,并在此基础上考察农业保险与信贷联动的扶贫作用,得出了以下结论:(1)农户通过农业信贷融入资金后,提高了其收入上限,但灾害发生时,其收入下限也随之降低,单一农业信贷政策并不能防止农户“因灾致(返)贫”;(2)基于2012—2018年的省际面板数据,运用系统GMM方法实证检验了农业信贷与农业保险联动的扶贫作用,其影响系数为0.017 0。因此,要大力推行“保险+信贷”模式,加强银保合作,增加农险与信贷创新型产品的供给,使其在我国脱贫攻坚事业中起到重要作用。
English Summary:
      Firstly, the paper establishes the farmers' income function model with agricultural credit as the core, theoretically verifies the expansion effect of agricultural credit on farmers' income range, and on this basis, introduces the effect of agricultural insurance and credit linkage on supporting poverty alleviation, and draws the following conclusions:(1) after farmers borrow agricultural credit, their income upper limit is increased, but when disasters happen, their income lower limit is also reduced, single agriculture credit policy cannot prevent farmers from “returning to poverty due to disasters”; (2) based on the provincial panel data of 2012-2018, the paper empirically tests the poverty alleviation effect of agricultural credit and agricultural insurance linkage by using the System GMM method, with an impact coefficient of 0.0170. Therefore, it should vigorously promote the mode of “insurance+credit”, strengthen the cooperation between banks and insurance companies, increase the supply of innovative products of agricultural insurance and credit, and make them play an important role in solving the problem of poverty alleviation in China.
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