Aü Philosophical Review of Strengthening the Cultural Innovation of Public Hospitals in the New Era
中文关键词:  新时代  公立医院  文化创新  历史必然性  方法论  路径
English Keywords:new era  public hospitals  cultural innovation  historical inevitability  methodology  path (
Fund Project:
刘镇江 南华大学 马克思主义学院,湖南 衡阳 421001 
丁虹 南华大学 马克思主义学院,湖南 衡阳 421001 
摘要点击次数: 693
全文下载次数: 286
English Summary:
      Strengthening the cultural innovation of public hospitals in the new era, is of great significance, for promoting the high-quality development of public hospitals, implementing a healthy China’s strategy, and improving the national health quality. It is particularly necessary to grasp the basic requirements of cultural innovation of public hospitals from the perspective of philosophy and put them into practice. This article analyzes the historical inevitability of cultural innovation in public hospitals from a philosophical perspective, including the era basis and necessity of innovation; elaborates the methodological principles that public hospital cultural innovation should pay attention to, that is, to achieve “four combinations”:insist on the combination of the leadership of the Party and respect for the principal position of employees; stick to the combination of integrity and innovation; adhere to the combination of micor-problem-oriented and macro-strategic planning; adhere to the combination of paying attention to internal causes and not ignoring external causes. Based on this, the practical path of cultural innovation in public hospitals is proposed, including grasping the correct direction of innovation, setting clear ethical of innovation objectives grasping the key content of innovation, and exploring effective forms of innovation, and so on.
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