Bank Background of Directors, Supervisors and Senior Managers with Dynamic Adjustment of Enterprise Capital Structure
中文关键词:  董监高  银行背景  资本结构  动态调整
English Keywords:directors, supervisors and senior managers  bank background  capital structure  dynamic adjustment (
Fund Project:
李冬生 南华大学 经济管理与法学学院,湖南 衡阳 421001 
刘颖然 南华大学 经济管理与法学学院,湖南 衡阳 421001 
摘要点击次数: 550
全文下载次数: 333
English Summary:
      Using 674 China's non-financial A-share listed companies from 2012-2018 as the research sample, this paper explores the influence of bank background of directors, supervisors and senior managers on the dynamic adjustment of enterprise capital structure by means of first difference GMM. The research finds that:compared with the listed companies whose directors, supervisors or senior managers do not have or did not have bank background, the listed companies with bank background of directors, supervisors and senior managers have faster dynamic adjustment of capital structure. And the adjustment speed go faster with bank background of directors, supervisors and senior managers deepening. Further research results show that under different property rights, the influence of the existence of the bank background of directors, supervisors and senior managers and its depth degree on the dynamic adjustment of capital structure varies. This paper enriches the research on the influencing factors of the dynamic adjustment of capital structure and provides theoretical basis for enterprises to use social capital rationally when making capital structure decisions.
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