The Relationship Between the Orthodoxy of Zhuzi School and Huxiang School
中文关键词:  朱子学派  道统论  湖湘学派
English Keywords:Zhuzi school  Orthodoxy  Huxiang school (
Fund Project:
蒋菲 南华大学 马克思主义学院,湖南 衡阳 421001 
摘要点击次数: 647
全文下载次数: 263
English Summary:
      In the past, it was generally believed that the word “Orthodoxy” was first proposed by Zhu Xi of the Southern Song Dynasty, but in fact, the word “Orthodoxy” appeared in the early Tang Dynasty. Zhu Xi and his disciples made outstanding contributions to the expansion of the influence of orthodoxy and the finalization of the orthodoxy system.Zhu Xi and his disciples' thoughts of Orthodoxy originated from Huxiang school.For the determination of the historical status of Zhou Dunyi , the founder of Hunan academics , Hu Hong initiated his theory, Zhang Shi inherited Hu Hong theory, which affected Zhu Xi and his disciples. With their joint efforts, Zhou Dunyi's position of inheriting the Confucian Orthodoxy for thousands of years was determined.
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