Research on the Legal Path of Nuclear Security Risk Management
中文关键词:  核安全  风险治理  有效沟通  多重监管  严格责任
English Keywords:nuclear safety  risk management  effective communication  multiple oversight  strict liability (
Fund Project:
石文静 烟台大学 法学院,山东 烟台 264005 
摘要点击次数: 724
全文下载次数: 317
English Summary:
      In order to ensure nuclear safety and prevent nuclear accidents, China should establish the legal path of “open communication - multiple supervision - strict responsibility” in nuclear security risk governance. First, strictly implement the principle of nuclear information disclosure and transparency, and realize real-time and all-round information disclosure mode; Nuclear power enterprises should strengthen cooperation and experience sharing, and the government, enterprises and the public should keep open communication. Second, strengthen multiple supervision; Realize real-time supervision and flexible supervision within enterprises; The Nuclear Safety Administration and other supervisory and regulatory authorities should exercise all-round supervision and control; A special committee on Nuclear Safety Supervision should be set up under the NPC Standing Committee to promote legislation and supervision; And improve the supervision mechanism by public opinion. Third, establish a strict and thorough criminal, administrative and civil liability system, improve the degree of accountability for criminal responsibility, increase the intensity of punishment; Carry out backtracking and lifelong investigation on administrative responsibility; The Economic channeling liability model of nuclear facility operators should be adhered to in the civil damage compensation, while the recoverable situation should be increased and a sound insurance sharing mechanism should be established.
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