张计连.新中国70年澳大利亚文学研究及展望[J].,2020,(4):104-109 |
新中国70年澳大利亚文学研究及展望 |
The Study of Australian Literature in the 70 Years of New China |
投稿时间:2019-10-11 |
DOI: |
中文关键词: 澳大利亚文学 研究 新中国70年 |
English Keywords:Australia literature study 70 years of New China ( |
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摘要点击次数: 686 |
全文下载次数: 418 |
中文摘要: |
回顾新中国70年澳大利亚文学研究状况,有助于我们立足现实、展望未来。70年澳大利亚文学研究从无到有、从少到多、从粗到细、从综合到专研,呈现出一片欣欣向荣的景象。在图书出版方面,建国初期及改革开放后,国内翻译出版的澳大利亚文学作品数量尤多,质量上乘。黄源深的《澳大利亚文学史》(1997)和王腊宝的《澳大利亚文学批评》(2016)两部论著的出版,标志新中国澳大利亚文学研究取得了非凡的成就。中文学术期刊有关澳大利亚文学研究的论文数以百计,这些文章在土著、女性、儿童、华裔、殖民、生态等主题方面取得了突出的成就。未来的澳大利亚文学研究需在澳大利亚性、世界性和中澳文学互动等方面进一步加深和拓展以丰富世界文学内涵。 |
English Summary: |
Reviewing the study status of Australian literature in the 70 years of New China will help us to understand the reality and look to the future. In this period, Australian literature research was originated, and it developed from less to more, from coarse to fine, from comprehensive to specialized, so it showed a thriving scene. In the 1950s and 1960s and after Chinese reform and opening up, many Australian literary works were published in China, and their translation was excellent. Huang Yuanshen's History of Australian Literature (1997) and Wang Labao's Australian Literary Criticism (2016) were important achievements. At the same time, Hundreds of papers emerged in Chinese academic journals, and they have made outstanding study in topics such as native, female, children, Chinese, colony, and ecology. The future study of Australian literature needs to further deepen and expand in the aspects of Australian characteristics, cosmopolitan and Sino-Australian literary interaction to enrich the content of world literature. |
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