The Study of Australian Literature in the 70 Years of New China
中文关键词:  澳大利亚文学  研究  新中国70年
English Keywords:Australia literature  study  70 years of New China (
Fund Project:
张计连 云南大学 文学院,云南 昆明 650091 
摘要点击次数: 611
全文下载次数: 337
English Summary:
      Reviewing the study status of Australian literature in the 70 years of New China will help us to understand the reality and look to the future. In this period, Australian literature research was originated, and it developed from less to more, from coarse to fine, from comprehensive to specialized, so it showed a thriving scene. In the 1950s and 1960s and after Chinese reform and opening up, many Australian literary works were published in China, and their translation was excellent. Huang Yuanshen's History of Australian Literature (1997) and Wang Labao's Australian Literary Criticism (2016) were important achievements. At the same time, Hundreds of papers emerged in Chinese academic journals, and they have made outstanding study in topics such as native, female, children, Chinese, colony, and ecology. The future study of Australian literature needs to further deepen and expand in the aspects of Australian characteristics, cosmopolitan and Sino-Australian literary interaction to enrich the content of world literature.
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