Aü Study on the Dynamic Relationship Between Entertainment and the Development of Modern Western Novels
中文关键词:  西方现代小说  娱乐  小说发展  动态关系
English Keywords:modern western novels  entertainment  development of novels  dynamic relationship (
Fund Project:
王作伟 河西学院 外语学院, 甘肃 张掖 734000 
摘要点击次数: 719
全文下载次数: 336
English Summary:
      From the late Renaissance to the completion of the industrial revolution, with the liberation of people’s minds and the formation of the ‘leisure class’, the modern western novels with strong entertainment quality gradually stepped on the stage of literary history, and fiction reading became one of the leisure class entertainments. Throughout the history of fiction, fiction and entertainment have been in a dynamic relationship. Entertainment, as a huge driving force in the development of modern western novels, enriches the content of novels and makes them become actual entertainment. With the application of new science and technology in entertainment, endless forms of entertainment have brought innovations to the content, form and narrative mode of novels. In addition, as the source of film and television in entertainment industry, novels also promote and reflect the transformation and development of entertainment.
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