Reflection on Low Price Competition
中文关键词:  低价竞争  亏本贱卖  低价促销
English Keywords:low price competition  at a loss to sell  low price promotions (
Fund Project:
董成惠 广东海洋大学 法政学院,广东 湛江 524088 
摘要点击次数: 624
全文下载次数: 326
English Summary:
      Low-price competition belongs to the category of enterprise independent pricing and is the most important form of price competition. Losing money at a price below cost violates the law of value, which is a misunderstanding of the nature and objectives of the transaction, and is also the result of excessive competition and factor price distortions. It infringes on the profits of the enterprise, which not only does not meet business goals, but also undermines fairness. The order of competition in the country has even triggered bad currencies, good currencies and price wars, which is not conducive to the healthy development of the industry, at the same time harms the interests of consumers and breeds many legal issues. China's current theoretical understanding and legal practice of low-price competition have misunderstandings. They regard low-price behavior as independent pricing power, confuse low-price dumping with predatory pricing, and regard “unfairness” of low-price dumping as “ Monopoly”, so that the relevant laws have not been well implemented in practice. The new “Anti-Unfair Competition Law” deletes the relevant provisions of low-price dumping, which is not conducive to the regulation of low-price unfair competition, and the relevant legal provisions should be improved.
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