Research on the Pull Effect of Agriculture in Hunan Province on Producer Service Industry
中文关键词:  湖南省  农业  生产性服务业  拉动效应
English Keywords:Hunan province  agriculture  productive service industry  pull effect (
Fund Project:
詹晶 南华大学 经济管理与法学学院, 湖南 衡阳 421001 
张雅妮 南华大学 经济管理与法学学院, 湖南 衡阳 421001 
摘要点击次数: 714
全文下载次数: 306
English Summary:
      The producer service industry is spread all over the agricultural production activities, and the role of agriculture in the development of the producer service industry is gradually emerging. Through in-depth analysis of the input-output table of Hunan Province, using the three specific measurement indicators of direct consumption coefficient, complete consumption coefficient and influence coefficient, it is found that Hunan Province and its five sub-sectors have shown a positive pull effect on seven types of productive service industries. Among them, agriculture has obvious pull effect on the sales service industry and the logistics service industry; it has weak pull effect on the financial service industry, information service industry, science and technology service industry and leasing business service industry; the pull effect on the education service industry is almost nonexistent; services in support of farm, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery have shown relatively obvious pull effect on various types of productive service industries, followed by livestock products and fishery products, the pull effect of forest products and agricultural products on various productive service industries is not obvious enough. In order to make full use of the agricultural advantages of Hunan Province and strengthen the pull effect of agriculture on the producer service industry, it is necessary to further consolidate the foundation of agriculture, promote the development of productive service industries, create a prosperous social environment to deepen the integration of agricultural and productive service industries sub-sectors.
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