The Cognitive Logic of the Main Social Contradictions in the New Era
中文关键词:  新时代社会主要矛盾  生成依据  内涵  化解路径
English Keywords:main social contradictions in the new era  basis of formation  connotation  solution path (
Fund Project:
王欣 中共重庆市璧山区委党校,重庆 402760 
摘要点击次数: 841
全文下载次数: 346
English Summary:
      To understand the main contradictions in the new era, it is necessany to examine the three-dimensional basis of the theoretical, historical and realistic generation of the main contradictions in the new era; to deeply understand the main contradictions in the new era is the simultaneous development of social production and people's needs that promotes the new requirements of the “demand side” and the new judgment of the “supply side”. The connotation of the “new non-confrontational contradictions” in the changing times; and to be firmly on the path of resolving the main social contradictions in the new era through high-quality development, leading the needs and strengthening the party's construction, etc., so as to systematically understand the main social contradictions in the new era.
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