The Comparison Between Marx and Date's Humanistic Spirit
中文关键词:  但丁  马克思  批判精神  理想主义  人文精神
English Keywords:Dante  Marx  critical spirit  idealism  humanistic spirit (
Fund Project:
和建伟 安徽科技学院 人文学院,安徽 凤阳 233100 
摘要点击次数: 815
全文下载次数: 575
English Summary:
      The humanist thoughts of Dante reflected his severe critical spirit, positive idealism, and profound humanism. Dante severely denounced the social changes and citizen’s thoughts and behaviors in Italy and Western European countries, corruption of the church, corruption and political disputes of the noblemen. Throughout his earlier political career to later exile days, Date showed his dream of peace and reunification through a series of classic writings and brave struggles. Shifting from the idolatry of god and heaven to the praise of worldly life, Dante fully affirmed human affection, rationality and dignity, so his humanistic thoughts were far beyond the religious theology in the late Middle Ages. Marx liked Date best, so he devoted his lifelong time in the study of political economy by the hell-like decision. However, Marx focused more on ordinary laborers, and his communist ideals were to liberate the whole mankind, surpassing Date’s concern to the upper social class only. Compared with Dante’ depressing conservatism, Marx firmly stuck to his ideals and he criticized the capitalist mode of production throughout his life, broke through Dante’s religious bondage and theology, so Marx’s humanistic spirits were more comprehensive.
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