Aü Study of the Use of “Haode ba” from the Perspective of Functional Linguistics
中文关键词:  功能语言学  “好的吧”  语体分布  话语功能  共现机制  使用基础
English Keywords:functional linguistics  “Haode ba”  stylistic distribution  discourse function  co-occurrence mechanism  the basis of usage 
Fund Project:
王新 北京语言大学 汉语国际教育研究院,北京 100083 
摘要点击次数: 2601
全文下载次数: 342
English Summary:
      From the perspective of functional linguistics, this article uses the daily conversational corpus and BCC corpus to examine the stylistic distribution, discourse function, co-occurrence mechanism of “Haode” and “Ba”. It also analyses the basics of the use of “Haode ba”, and the similarities and differences between “Haode”, “Haoba” and “Haode ba”. The study found that “Haode ba” is usually distributed in dialogues and narratives, accordingly, its discourse functions mainly include interpersonal functions of indicating the degree of identification, highlighting power relationships, regulating the conversational atmosphere and indicating responses; and related functions of indicating pauses, and ending the current topic. The important mechanism for the co-occurrence of “Haode” and “Ba” is the functional complementation at the semantic and pragmatic level; the basis for using “Haode ba” includes the traditional psychology of the Chinese nation and the “cooperation principle” and ‘politeness principle” of interpersonal communication. The core semantics of “Haode”, “Haoba” and “Haode ba” can be summarized as “identification”, but with slightly different attitudes. In addition, these three also have similarities and differences in interpersonal and related functions.
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