Aü Review on the Repeated Local Legislation after the Local Legislative Subjects Increasing Dramatically
中文关键词:  地方立法  地方立法重复  惰性的地方立法重复  积极的地方立法重复
English Keywords:the local legislation  the repeated local legislation  the negative repeated local legislation  the positive repeated local legislation
Fund Project:
吴玉姣 福建江夏学院 法学院,福建 福州 350108 
摘要点击次数: 3747
全文下载次数: 378
English Summary:
      With the new legislative law amended in 2015, the local legislative subjects are increasing dramatically, and the repeated local legislation are raising. In this new situation, the repeated local legislation not only includes repeating the contents of the upper-level law, but also includes repeating the contents of the same kind of local regulations. As a result,the tolerance to the repeated local legislation should be extended. So it is important to have a dialectical perspective on the repeated local legislation. All in all, the repeated local legislation is restricted or permitted depending on the attitude of legislative subjects. And on the basis of the attitude of legislative subjects, the repeated local legislation can be divided into the negative repeated local legislation and the positive repeated local legislation. In order to regulate the repeated local legislation effectively, we should prevent the negative repeated local legislation and permit the positive repeated local legislation.
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