Discussion on the Relationship Between the Principle of Good Faith and the Issue Preclusion Validity
中文关键词:  既判力  争点效  诚实信用原则
English Keywords:res judicata  issue preclusion validity  principle of good faith
Fund Project:
黄茂醌 西南政法大学 法学院,重庆401120 
邵琛惠 西南政法大学 法学院,重庆401120 
摘要点击次数: 2410
全文下载次数: 411
English Summary:
      The issue preclusion validity and the principle of good faith are important theories of civil dispute resolution. There is a little difference between the two while there is a close relationship. The same thing is that in the final purpose, both of them are to make the case fully heard in order to achieve a one-time settlement of the dispute; the difference is that the dispute between the two on the applicable conditions has clear application requirements, and the parties have the initiative to apply. The principle of good faith depends on the discretion of judges because of the lack of uniform and clear application standards. In view of the above-mentioned characteristics of the two, in the specific application, priority should be given to the theory of issue preclusion validity with more specific requirements. When the issue preclusion validity does not work, the principle of good faith plays a cohesive role.
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