Research on Food Safety on Third-party Take-away Food Platform from the Perspective of Dynamic Game
中文关键词:  外卖食品  食品质量安全  三方博弈  价值感知
English Keywords:take-away food  food quality and safety  tripartite game  value perception
Fund Project:
王铁骊 南华大学 经济管理与法学学院,湖南 衡阳 421001 
向楚尧 南华大学 经济管理与法学学院,湖南 衡阳 421001 
摘要点击次数: 809
全文下载次数: 430
English Summary:
      The booming development of the take-away market has also generated a large number of food safety issues. From the perspective of food quality and safety supervision, this paper introduces value perception under the condition of incomplete information and innovatively builds a three-way dynamic game model based on consumer perception of take-away platform companies, government regulators and consumers. This model is used to explore the impact of corporate, government, and consumer behavior on food safety. The research results show that the take-away platform pays attention to food safety, the government increases penalties, and consumers actively protect their rights. Under the synergy between the three, the food safety level of the take-away market can be improved as a whole. Finally, based on the actual situation of the current market, starting from different market participants, the corresponding management suggestions for the impact of take-away food safety are put forward, and the goal of balanced development of each market participant in the game is achieved, and the overall welfare of the enterprise and society is maximized.
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