Aü Three-dimensional Interpretation of the Construction of the Values of the Communist Party of China Since the Founding of New China
中文关键词:  共产党人价值观  时代背景  方法原则  话语内容
English Keywords:communist values  background of the times  methodological principles  discourse content
Fund Project:
姚冰洋 西北工业大学 马克主义学院,陕西 西安710129 
摘要点击次数: 2540
全文下载次数: 345
English Summary:
      Since the founding of the people's Republic of China, the values of the Communists have undergone profound changes. From the three dimensions of the background of the times, the principles of method and the content of discourse, the construction of the values of the Communists is based on the background of the times of modernization transformation, the cultural background of ideological competition, the objective requirements of the party's self-development, etc. Taking ruling as the people as the basic value purpose and communism as the ultimate value goal, the discourse transformation from “revolution” to “development” has been realized, and new achievements in the construction of values such as serving the people, “three benefits” and “administering the party in an all-round way” have been created.
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