Adaptability Analysis and Optimization Measures of Adult Professional Guardian System in China
中文关键词:  监护社会化  专业监护人  第三者监护人  成年监护
English Keywords:guardianship socialization  professional guardian  third party guardian  adult guardianship
Fund Project:
王雯雯 中国社会科学院 研究生院,北京 102488 
摘要点击次数: 726
全文下载次数: 358
English Summary:
      Since 1999, the degree of population aging in China has grown rapidly, and the adult guardian lacking has witnessed a significant increasing. In response to this situation, by demonstrating the connotation, advantages and disadvantages and perfection of the professional guardian system, this paper concludes that the adult professional guardianship system has the advantages of high degree of specialization and strong pertinence. At the same time, the system has the defects of serious conflicts of interest, obvious regional and urban-rural gaps, insufficient manpower, high cost and no meeting with China's traditional cultural and ethical standards. With the perfect supervision system construction, the flexible integration of the professional guardian system and other guardian systems, the strict remuneration regulations, and government and social public support, etc, the professional adult guardian system can effectively assume professional guardianship duties and maximize the protection of the rights and interests of the ward.
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